
How to handle the voids at the retirement age

Jack Yuen Jul 8 2020

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Get low and flat
bicycle Racingenlightenment

It does not matter where you are... what matters is how you got there

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Memories are precious
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When you get to 60… how many more birthdays do you have?

Jack Yuen Jul 9 2017
Is life really about the internet?

What is the meaning of the Internet in the new era?


maslows triangle with internetWe do not need the internet to survive – just as we do not need money to survive.

Then why do we need the internet as much as money in this new era of technology that we are growing into? What does the INTERNET mean now and what will it mean in another 20 years time?

I have two grandsons. Amongst the first few words that 20 month old Josh uses to greet me when he comes through the door everyday is “ipad”. His 4 year old brother got his ipad for his birthday present a couple of years ago and his favourite gripe is “no connection…”

We have a top speed NBN connection (one of the ‘lucky’ ones before the politicians started messing around with fast broadband). But the four year old expects more speed…

One of my employees revealed to me the other day that he had discovered the meaning of the internet.


His premise was that LIFE is connected. Life started as ONE and kept multiplying.

  • The internet was invented to remind us of what life is all about.
  • It is no fun being the only computer in the world. Just like Adam all alone in the Garden. A bit more fun when Eve came around, bit life really got started when the kids popped out.
  • As the number of computers grew and they learnt to talk to each other, they communicated and the internet started to grow. They started to work together and the ability to share resources multiplied its capacity to make things happen. Sounds familiar to the human race?
  • Children went to school to learn from the education system – which had all the answers (much of it stored in the libraries – but much of it in the memories of the teachers). This is Google.
  • When the children grew up, they started to look for GOD, the creator. No one has ever found GOD.

That is why the internet is such an important reminder to us about what life is all about.

Just as all the individual computers in the world make up the entity called the internet, each human being (and everything else?) make up the entity called GOD. A computer cannot find the internet if it is not connected – and human beings are the same.

As long as we think that GOD is outside ourselves, we lose the connection. If there were no human beings, there would be no GOD – just like there is no need for the internet if there were no computers….

This is a very interesting concept proposed by my worker and one that will get a lot of discussion in my next posts…

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