
How to handle the voids at the retirement age

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Life has no meaning (if I had the money…)


meaning of lifeThe search for the meaning of life began way before Monty Python’s famous movie. And if life has a meaning – we would all know what is by now.

The reason that human beings are still searching for the meaning of life, is the same as why the search still continues for the holy grail. There is NO SUCH THING.

We think that life is worth something…. That is why we have courts of law spending copious amount of time coming up with compensation payment amounts (in dollars).

Life is just like money and we tend to place the two in the same basket of importance.

Money does not need to have a meaning. It just needs to be spent. I have to keep reminding myself that money is totally worthless if it is not spent. So is life. It is just meant to be spent. Simple. There is no deep meaning to life.

Life and money have much in common. And both are taken too seriously.


If I had the MONEY….

The only thing that is true if you had more money….is to buy more things. Money only has one purpose – to buy things.

We are lead to think that money does lots of things;

  • If I had the money, I will be happy. The rich know that this is not the case. Money does not equate to happiness. Happiness has nothing to do with money and that is why it cannot be ‘bought’.
  • Money makes the world go around. If you think that this is true, consider the world before money was invented. The dinosaurs still watched the sun rise every day without a penny between them.
  • If I had the money, I will be powerful. Money only provides the illusion of power. The real power belongs to the forces of nature which can conjure up storms that destroy, air to breathe, who to die from diseases and accidents. Real power is seen in the “Steven Bradbury” moments when the impossible gives way to WTF…
  • If I had the money, life will be so easy. Life is life. Shit happens whether you have the money or not. Malcolm Fraser is remembered for lecturing that “Life is not meant to be easy” What is not readily known is that he ‘borrowed’ the words from George Bernard Shaw who penned “‘Life is not meant to be easy, my child; but take courage: it can be delightful’.  Life can be delightful. With or without money.
  • If I had the money, I will retire. Retirement means leaving a job and stop working. Do you know of any very rich persons who are still working a job? Only poor people equate money with not having to work. Those with money know that work does not stop – whether you have money or not. Money only allows you to do a different type of work.

….And the list goes on.

Apart from spending power, money has no other meaning – so don’t go looking for one.

Apart from just spending it, LIFE has no other meaning also – so don’t waste your life looking for a deep and profound “Raison d’être”….

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