
How to handle the voids at the retirement age

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When I die, I wish to be penniless…Part 1


Do you have a financial plan?

If you have, how much money are you planning to ‘leave behind’ when you die?

I have a financial plan (well, sort of). I plan (although I believe that the best laid plans do not eventuate) to be PENNILESS.

No money down..

This plan has been dormant (sleeping in the back of my mind) until recently. I heard someone (with a lot of money) say that if he dies and still has some money ‘un-spent’… then he will have made a huge ‘stuff up’ in his financial plan.

There is a current belief that we are obliged to leave behind a ‘decent’ inheritance. It is one of the biggest lies about money… and it has infected the bulk of the world’s population. If you can ever ‘bust loose’ from this lie, a huge weight will disappear from your shoulders. This experience will be like sight to a blind man.

I heard a profound statement a few years ago: ‘The moment you tell anyone that you are leaving them an inheritance… they will instantly wish you dead”

…When you tell someone that you are leaving them an inheritance, they will subconsciously (some will even consciously) factor the inheritance into their own financial plan. If you have a financial planner, don’t they have an item in their plan called ‘inheritance’?.

But here is the thing. They cannot get their hands on it until you die. Now if you did die (and soon), their financial plan would be coming along fine…

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