
How to handle the voids at the retirement age

Jack Yuen Jul 8 2020

What colour is the apple?

Jack Yuen Jul 10 2019
Get low and flat
bicycle Racingenlightenment

It does not matter where you are... what matters is how you got there

Jack Yuen Jul 10 2018
bicycle Racing

How to painlessly heal second degree road rash in 7 days

Jack Yuen Apr 21 2018
Memories are precious
bicycle Racingenlightenment

When you get to 60… how many more birthdays do you have?

Jack Yuen Jul 9 2017
Posts From the daily archives: "Friday, April 3, 2015"
The Case for going forward.

It felt like hours – but it was probably only 10 minutes. I was strapped down and the air was getting stuffy. I could see the world moving about through the tiny circular window beside me. But I was stuck where I was – going nowhere. Finally the pilot’s announcement put me out of my…(Read More)

Is this how we keep score?

Fairness and justice is pure fiction. Every few weeks, I take up the role of ‘commissaire’ on a Sunday club race. My job is to ensure that the racing is fair and safe. And this tends to result in my hearing of complaints post-race about rider behaviour. And I am supposed to keep scores…(Read More)