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one after another

The lowdown on a run.


Two weeks with cancelled races and a run of 8 wet days. We are now on a run of a week’s sunshine according to the BOM. Orica GreenEdge is on a good run at Le Tour. Two stage wins in a row and hanging on to yellow.

one after another
This is a run

We marvel at how things sometimes just slot together and go on a roll. It is usually called momentum, or luck. It makes the news and is a great talking point when it happens – because it seems to be an unusual thing. Except that runs are more the norm than the exception – it is just that we don’t notice it.

Everyone has a go at filing away their paperwork in their lives. They sort the mess of paper into organised piles that relate to each other. Then it is filed away – so that a certain piece of paper is easier to find sometime down the track. Filing creates some sort of order in our lives.

This is exactly why life gives us runs. It is less chaotic to serve out long segments of a certain activity then to chop and change constantly. We now have a run of 3 months of wintery weather before it starts to warm up again. Runs just showcase how life organises itself into a rhythm.

So, if life is serving up a whole sequence of sameness for you – then it is just taking a bit of a rest. No need to get restless. Rest assured that there will be a run of something else just around the corner. It will happen whether you like it or not.

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